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Fixed size matrix file I/O

Gandalf supports both ASCII and binary format file I/O of matrices. Both formats use standard FILE * file streams. ASCII format is obviously more convenient to use, while binary format is more compact and guarantees no loss of precision when the data is read. To print a $3\times 4$ matrix in ASCII format, use
      Gan_Bool gan_mat34_fprint ( FILE *fp, Gan_Matrix34 *p,
                                  const char *prefix, int indent, const char *fmt );
prefix is a prefix string to print before the matrix itself, indent is the number of spaces to indent the matrix by, and fmt is a format string to use when printing the matrix, e.g. "%f". So for example
      FILE *pfFile;

      pfFile = fopen ( "/tmp/matrices", "w" );
      gan_mat34_fill_q ( &m34A, 1.0,  2.0,  3.0,  4.0,
                                5.0,  6.0,  7.0,  8.0,
                                9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 );
      gan_mat34_fprint ( pfFile, &m34A, "Example matrix", 3, "%f" );
will print the output
         Example matrix
          1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000
          5.000000 6.000000 7.000000 8.000000
          9.000000 10.000000 11.000000 12.000000
to the file "/tmp/matrices". There is also a version gan_mat34_print() for printing to standard output:
      Gan_Bool gan_mat34_print ( Gan_Matrix34 *p,
                                 const char *prefix, int indent, const char *fmt );
The corresponding input function is
      Gan_Bool gan_mat34_fscanf ( FILE *fp, Gan_Matrix34 *p,
                                  char *prefix, int prefix_len )
which reads the matrix from the file stream fp into the $3\times 4$ matrix pointer p. It also reads the prefix string (up to the specified maximum length prefix_len), which can be compared with the expected prefix string to check for consistency.

Binary file I/O is handled by the functions gan_mat34_fwrite() and gan_mat34_fread(). To write a $3\times 4$ matrix in binary format use

      Gan_Bool gan_mat34_fwrite ( FILE *fp, Gan_Matrix34 *p, gan_ui32 magic_number );
The magic_number takes the same role as the prefix string in gan_mat34_fprint(), and is written into the file so that it can be used later to identify the matrix when it is read back using
      Gan_Bool gan_mat34_fread ( FILE *fp, Gan_Matrix34 *p, gan_ui32 *magic_number );

There are similar functions gan_mat33_fprint(), gan_mat33_print(), gan_mat33_fscanf() for ASCII I/O of $3\times 3$ matrices, and gan_mat33_fwrite(), gan_mat33_fread() for binary I/O of $3\times 3$ matrices. Functions for symmetric and triangular matrices follow the same pattern.

Error detection: The I/O routines return a boolean value, returning GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure, invoking the Gandalf error handle in the latter case.

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