Gandalf: The Fast Computer
Gandalf: The Fast Computer
Conventions and style
Function/name prefixes and case
``Quick'', ``slow'' and ``in-place'' Gandalf routines
Variable argument list functions
Dynamic self-modification
Coordinate pair ordering
Pixel values
Image orientation
Error checking
The Common Package
Miscellaneous definitions
Simple types
Types with specific bit sizes
Debugging tools
Linked lists
Bit arrays
Memory allocation
Array fill/copy
Complex numbers
Numerical routines
Comparison routines
Error handling
More on the error trace
Error tests and codes
The Linear Algebra Package
Fixed size matrices and vectors
Fixed size vectors
Fixed size matrices
General size matrices and vectors
General size vectors
General size matrices
Single precision general size matrices & vectors
The Image Package
Image formats and types
Simple image/pixel routines
Image creation/destruction
Image file I/O
Setting an image to a new format, type and dimensions
Accessing single pixels
Filling an image with a constant value
Converting a pixel to a given format/type
Binary images
Pointer images
Copying/converting the whole or part of an image
Accessing channels of an image
Displaying images
Image pyramids
Inverting an image
Image sequence I/O
The Vision Package
Building cameras
Projecting points and lines
Adding/removing camera distortion
Building the camera calibration matrix
Converting cameras between precisions
Computing the fundamental/essential matrix
Computing a homography between 2D scene and image
Computing a 2D homography from an array of feature matches
Computing a 2D affine homography
Computing a homography between 3D scene and image
Smoothing an image using a 1D convolution mask
Smoothing an image using a 2D convolution mask
Feature detection
Image feature coordinate frames
Edge detection
Displaying an edge map
The Canny edge detector
Corner detection
Displaying a corner map
The Harris corner detector
Line segment detection
Displaying a line map
The Gandalf line detector
Representing 3D rotations
Quaternion routines
General rotation routines
Representing 3D Euclidean transformations
Levenberg-Marquardt minimisation
Robust observations
Generalised observations
Levenberg-Marquardt software
Fast Hough Transform
The Fast Hough Transform (FHT)
Example: Plane Fitting
Speed Improvement to FHT Line Finder
The Test Framework
Adding new tests