Gan_Pixel Pixel1, Pixel2; /* declare pixels 1 & 2 */ /* let's initialise pixel 1 to a grey-level unsigned character value */ Pixel1.format = GAN_GREY_LEVEL_IMAGE; Pixel1.type = GAN_UCHAR; = 255; /* now convert pixel to RGB format and floating point type */ gan_image_convert_pixel_q ( &Pixel1, GAN_RGB_COLOUR_IMAGE, GAN_FLOAT, &Pixel2 ); /* print new pixel value, which should be R=G=B=1 */ printf ( "pixel RGB value %f %f %f\n",,, );Another version of this function returns the result as a new pixel:
/* convert pixel to RGB format and floating point type */ Pixel2 = gan_image_convert_pixel_s ( &Pixel1, GAN_RGB_COLOUR_IMAGE, GAN_FLOAT );There is also a routine that converts the format and type in-place in the input pixel:
/* convert pixel to RGB format and floating point type in-place */ gan_image_convert_pixel_i ( &Pixel1, GAN_RGB_COLOUR_IMAGE, GAN_FLOAT );