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Image pyramids

      #include <gandalf/image/image_pyramid.h>
A quite common construction in image processing is a ``pyramid'' of images, a multi-resolution representation of an image. We think in fact of an inverted pyramid, with the top level of the pyramid representing the image at the original resolution, and lower levels representing the image at lower resolutions (the inversion of the pyramid is to avoid changing the sense of ``high'' and ``low'' between describing the ``resolution'' and the ``level''). The pyramid is constructed as an array of structures, one for each resolution level. The structure is defined as
      /* structure to hold image and mask at a single pyramid level */
      typedef struct Gan_ImagePyramid
         Gan_Image *img; /* image represented at a single resolution level */
         Gan_Image *mask; /* mask at this level defining which pixels are set */
      } Gan_ImagePyramid;
Intrinsic to the pyramid is the notion of a ``mask'' of pixels, a binary image defining which pixels are available in the image. The convention is that available pixels are marked in the mask as ones. Gandalf currently supports pyramids produced in the simplest way, by averaging four adjacent pixels to convert the image from a higher resolution image to a lower resolution image. An example code fragment to create an image pyramid is
      Gan_Image *pImage, *pMask; /* declare image and mask */
      Gan_ImagePyramid *aPyramid;

      /* ... create and fill pImage and pMask ... */

      /* build image with four resolution levels */
      gan_image_pyramid_build ( pImage, pMask, 4, &aPyramid );
The image and mask pointer at the original (highest) resolution levels can be accessed as aPyramid[0].img and aPyramid[0].mask respectively. There are four levels here so the lowest resolution image and mask are aPyramid[3].img and aPyramid[3].mask. The mask can be passed into gan_image_pyramid_build() as NULL, indicating that all the pixels in the image are available. In this case the masks at all resolution levels will be set to NULL.

To free the pyramid, use

      gan_image_pyramid_free ( aPyramid, 4, GAN_FALSE );
The second argument here is the number of resolution levels of the pyramid. The last argument determines whether the image/mask at the top level of the pyramid are to freed. Here GAN_FALSE is passed, so the original image pImage and mask pMask will not be freed and are available for further processing.

Note that when transferring pixels to a lower resolution, a pixel is computed and a mask bit at the lower resolution only if all four corresponding pixels in the higher resolution image are set.

Error detection: gan_image_pyramid_build() returns a boolean value, which is GAN_FALSE on error, the Gandalf error handler being invoked.

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