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image_defs.c File Reference

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_defs.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_uchar.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_short.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_ushort.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_int.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_uint.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_float.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_double.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_bit.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_pointer.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_uchar.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_short.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_ushort.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_int.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_uint.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_float.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gla_double.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_uchar.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_short.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_ushort.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_int.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_uint.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_float.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgb_double.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_uchar.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_short.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_ushort.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_int.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_uint.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_float.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_double.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield2D_float.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield2D_double.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield2D_short.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield2D_int.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield3D_float.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield3D_double.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield3D_short.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_vfield3D_int.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_extract.h>
#include <gandalf/common/bit_array.h>
#include <gandalf/common/misc_error.h>
#include <gandalf/common/compare.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgbx_uint8.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgbx_uint10.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgbas_uint10.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_rgba_uint12.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_yuvx444_uint8.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_yuva444_uint8.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_yuv422_uint8.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_uint10.h>
#include <gandalf/image/image_gl_uint12.h>


Gan_Imagegan_image_form_gen (Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width, unsigned long stride, Gan_Bool alloc_pix_data, void *pix_data, size_t pix_data_size, void *row_data, size_t row_data_size)
 Form image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_set_data_free_func (Gan_Image *img, void(*data_free_func)(void *))
 Sets the function to free the image data buffer.
size_t gan_image_pixel_size (Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type)
 Returns the size of an image pixel in bytes.
size_t gan_image_min_stride (Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long width, size_t alignment)
 Returns the minimum size of a row of image pixels in bytes.
Gan_Imagegan_image_set_format_type_dims_gen (Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width, unsigned long stride, Gan_Bool alloc_pix_data)
 Sets the format, type, dimensions and stride of an image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_fill_const (Gan_Image *img, Gan_Pixel *pixel)
 Fill an image with a constant value.
Gan_Bool gan_image_fill_zero (Gan_Image *img)
 Fills an image with zero pixels.
Gan_Bool gan_image_fill_const_window (Gan_Image *img, unsigned r0, unsigned c0, unsigned height, unsigned width, Gan_Pixel *pixel)
 Fill a subwindow of an image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_fill_const_mask (Gan_Image *img, Gan_Image *mask, Gan_Pixel *pixel)
 Fill a region of an image.
Gan_Bool gan_merge_field_into_image (const Gan_Image *field, Gan_Bool flip, Gan_Bool upper, Gan_Bool whole_image, Gan_Image *image)
 Merges a field into an image.
Gan_Pixel gan_image_get_pix (const Gan_Image *img, unsigned row, unsigned col)
 Gets a pixel from an image.
void * gan_image_get_pixptr (const Gan_Image *img, unsigned row, unsigned col)
 Gets a pointer to a pixel from an image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_get_pix_zero (const Gan_Image *img, unsigned row, unsigned col)
 Gets a pixel from an image and compares it with zero.
Gan_Bool gan_image_set_pix (Gan_Image *img, unsigned row, unsigned col, Gan_Pixel *pix)
 Sets a pixel in an image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_set_pix_zero (Gan_Image *img, unsigned row, unsigned col)
 Sets a pixel in an image to zero.
Gan_Bool gan_image_get_active_subwindow (const Gan_Image *image, Gan_ImageWindow *subwin)
 Computes bounding box of non-zero pixels in grey-level image.
void gan_image_intersect_subwindows_q (const Gan_ImageWindow *window1, const Gan_ImageWindow *window2, Gan_ImageWindow *resultwindow)
 Intersect subwindows.
Gan_ImageWindow gan_image_intersect_subwindows_s (const Gan_ImageWindow *window1, const Gan_ImageWindow *window2)
 Intersect subwindows.
void gan_image_intersect_subwindows_i (Gan_ImageWindow *sourcedestwindow, const Gan_ImageWindow *window)
 Intersect subwindows in-place.
void gan_image_fit_subwindow (Gan_ImageWindow *subwin, const Gan_Image *image)
 Adjust a subwindow to fit inside an image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_mask_window (Gan_Image *image, unsigned r0, unsigned c0, unsigned height, unsigned width)
 Clear image to zero except in specified rectangular region.
Gan_Bool gan_image_clear_window (Gan_Image *image, unsigned r0, unsigned c0, unsigned height, unsigned width)
 Clear image to zero in specified rectangular region.
Gan_Bool gan_image_get_minimum_pixel (Gan_Image *image, Gan_Image *mask, Gan_Pixel *minpix)
 Calculates the minimum pixel value in an image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_get_maximum_pixel (Gan_Image *image, Gan_Image *mask, Gan_Pixel *maxpix)
 Calculates the maximum pixel value in an image.
void gan_image_free_va (Gan_Image *img,...)
 Free a NULL terminated variable argument list of images.
Gan_Bool gan_image_has_alpha_channel (const Gan_Image *img)
 Returns value indicating whether an image has an alpha channel.

Detailed Description

Module: Image definitions and general functions

Part of: Gandalf Library

2006/03/15 15:16:08
Copyright: (c) 2000 Imagineer Software Limited
Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:51 2006 by  doxygen