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image_defs.h File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gandalf/image/pixel.h>
#include <gandalf/common/misc_defs.h>

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struct  Gan_Image
 structure definition for image More...
struct  Gan_ImageWindow
 Definition of a rectangular sub-part of an image. More...


typedef Gan_Image Gan_Image
 structure definition for image
typedef Gan_ImageWindow Gan_ImageWindow
 Definition of a rectangular sub-part of an image.


Gan_Imagegan_image_alloc (Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width)
 Macro: Allocate and return a new image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_form (Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width)
 Macro: Forms and returns a new image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_alloc_data (Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width, void *pix_data, size_t pix_data_size, void *row_data, size_t row_data_size)
 Macro: Allocate image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_form_data (Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width, void *pix_data, size_t pix_data_size, void *row_data, size_t row_data_size)
 Macro: Form image.
void gan_image_free (Gan_Image *img)
 Macro: Free an image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_copy_q (const Gan_Image *img_s, Gan_Image *img_d)
 Macro: Copy an image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_copy_s (const Gan_Image *img)
 Macro: Copy an image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_set_format_type_dims (Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type, unsigned long height, unsigned long width)
 Macro: Set format, type and dimensions of image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_set_format_type (Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format, Gan_Type type)
 Macro: Set format and type of image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_set_type (Gan_Image *img, Gan_Type type)
 Macro: Set type of image.
Gan_Imagegan_image_set_dims (Gan_Image *img, unsigned long height, unsigned long width)
 Macro: Set height and width of image.
Gan_Bool gan_image_test_format (const Gan_Image *img, Gan_ImageFormat format)
 Macro: Test image format.
Gan_Bool gan_image_test_type (const Gan_Image *img, Gan_Type type)
 Macro: Test image type.
Gan_Bool gan_image_test_dims (const Gan_Image *img1, const Gan_Image *img2)
 Macro: Test image dimensions.
Gan_Bool gan_image_fill_zero_window (Gan_Image *img, unsigned r0, unsigned c0, unsigned height, unsigned width)
 Macro: Fill window of image with zero.
Gan_Bool gan_image_fill_zero_mask (Gan_Image *img, Gan_Image *mask)
 Macro: Fill mask in image with zero.
Gan_Bool gan_image_set_data_free_func (Gan_Image *img, void(*data_free_func)(void *))
 Sets the function to free the image data buffer.

Detailed Description

Module: Image definitions and general functions

Part of: Gandalf Library

2006/02/20 01:51:50
Copyright: (c) 2000 Imagineer Software Limited
Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:51 2006 by  doxygen