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matvecf_clapack.c File Reference

#include <gandalf/linalg/matvecf_clapack.h>
#include <gandalf/linalg/clapack.h>
#include <gandalf/linalg/matf_diagonal.h>
#include <gandalf/linalg/matf_triangular.h>
#include <gandalf/linalg/vecf_gen.h>
#include <gandalf/common/compare.h>
#include <gandalf/common/allocate.h>
#include <gandalf/common/misc_error.h>


Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_pptrf (Gan_SquMatrix_f *A, int *error_code)
 Function to apply the Cholesky LAPACK operation pptrf.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_pptri (Gan_SquMatrix_f *A)
 Computes a symmetric matrix from its Cholesky factorisation.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_getf2 (Gan_Matrix_f *A, long *ipiv, int *error_code)
 Function to apply the LU decomposition operation getf2.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_getrf (Gan_Matrix_f *A, long *ipiv, int *error_code)
 Function to apply the LU decomposition operation getrf.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_getri (Gan_Matrix_f *A, long *ipiv, float *work, unsigned long work_size)
 Computes a symmetric matrix from its Cholesky factorisation.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_geqrf (Gan_Matrix_f *A, Gan_Vector_f *tau, float *work, unsigned long work_size)
 Apply the QR decomposition LAPACK operation geqrf.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_gelqf (Gan_Matrix_f *A, Gan_Vector_f *tau, float *work, unsigned long work_size)
 Apply the LQ decomposition LAPACK operation gelqf.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_orgqr (Gan_Matrix_f *A, Gan_Vector_f *tau, float *work, unsigned long work_size)
 Construct the orthogonal factor $ Q $ given a QR decomposition.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_orglq (Gan_Matrix_f *A, Gan_Vector_f *tau, float *work, unsigned long work_size)
 Construct the orthogonal factor $ Q $ given an LQ decomposition.
Gan_Bool gan_clapackf_gesv (Gan_Matrix_f *A, Gan_Matrix_f *B, long *ipiv)
 Solve matrix equation Solve matrix equation A*X=B for square matrix A.

Detailed Description

Module: CLAPACK wrapper functions (single precision)

Part of: Gandalf Library

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Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:52 2006 by  doxygen