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array.h File Reference

#include <gandalf/common/misc_defs.h>

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#define GAN_FILL_DEC(t, f)   void gan_fill_array_ ## f ( t *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, t val )
#define GAN_COPY_DEC(c, t)


 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned char, uc)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (short, s)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned short, us)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (int, i)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned int, ui)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (long, l)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned long, ul)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (double, d)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (float, f)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (void *, p)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (c, char)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (uc, unsigned char)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (s, short)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (us, unsigned short)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (i, int)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui, unsigned int)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (l, long)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ul, unsigned long)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (f, float)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (d, double)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (p, void *)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_uint8, ui8)
 Fill array of 8-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui8, gan_uint8)
 Copy array of 8-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint8 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_uint16, ui16)
 Fill array of 16-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui16, gan_uint16)
 Copy array of 16-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint16 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_uint32, ui32)
 Fill array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui32, gan_uint32)
 Copy array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_int32, i32)
 Fill array of 32-bit signed integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (i32, gan_int32)
 Copy array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_int32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_ui64, ui64)
 Fill array of 64-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui64, gan_ui64)
 Copy array of 64-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_ui64 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_float32, f32)
 Fill array of 32-bit floating point objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (f32, gan_float32)
 Copy array of 32-bit floating point objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_float32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_float64, f64)
 Fill array of 64-bit floating point objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (f64, gan_float64)
 Copy array of 64-bit floating point objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_float64 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

Detailed Description

Module: Array module

Part of: Gandalf Library

2005/08/22 08:52:18
Copyright: (c) 2000 Imagineer Software Limited
Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:51 2006 by  doxygen