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1D Arrays


struct  Gan_BitArray
 1-dimensional array of bits More...


#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   unsigned char
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   short
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   unsigned short
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   int
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   unsigned int
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   long
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   unsigned long
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   float
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   double
#define GAN_ARRAY_TYPE   void *
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_uc
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_s
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_us
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_i
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_ui
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_l
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_ul
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_f
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_d
#define GAN_ARRAY_FILLFUNC   gan_fill_array_p
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_uc
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_s
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_us
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_i
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_ui
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_l
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_ul
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_f
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_d
#define GAN_ARRAY_COPYFUNC   gan_copy_array_p
#define GAN_FILL_DEC(t, f)   void gan_fill_array_ ## f ( t *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, t val )
#define GAN_COPY_DEC(c, t)
#define GAN_BITWORD_SIZE   32
#define GAN_BITWORD_FULL   (gan_uint32) GAN_UINT32_MAX
#define GAN_MSB_SET   (gan_uint32) (1<<31)
#define GAN_LSB_SET   (gan_uint32) 1


typedef gan_uint32 Gan_BitWord
 32-bit word
typedef Gan_BitArray Gan_BitArray
 1-dimensional array of bits


 Alignment options when computing bounds of a bit array.


void gan_fill_array_uc (unsigned char *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, unsigned char val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_uc (const unsigned char *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, unsigned char *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned char to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_s (short *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, short val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_s (const short *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, short *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #short to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_us (unsigned short *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, unsigned short val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_us (const unsigned short *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, unsigned short *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned short to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_i (int *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, int val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_i (const int *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, int *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #int to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_ui (unsigned int *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, unsigned int val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_ui (const unsigned int *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, unsigned int *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned int to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_l (long *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, long val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_l (const long *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, long *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #long to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_ul (unsigned long *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, unsigned long val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_ul (const unsigned long *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, unsigned long *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned long to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_f (float *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, float val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_f (const float *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, float *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #float to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_d (double *arr, unsigned long size, long stride, double val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_d (const double *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, double *dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #double to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
void gan_fill_array_p (void **arr, unsigned long size, long stride, void *val)
 Fill array of objects.
void gan_copy_array_p (const void **source, long s_stride, unsigned long size, void **dest, long d_stride)
 Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #void * to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned char, uc)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (short, s)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned short, us)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (int, i)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned int, ui)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (long, l)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (unsigned long, ul)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (double, d)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (float, f)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (void *, p)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (c, char)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (uc, unsigned char)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (s, short)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (us, unsigned short)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (i, int)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui, unsigned int)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (l, long)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ul, unsigned long)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (f, float)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (d, double)
 GAN_COPY_DEC (p, void *)
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_uint8, ui8)
 Fill array of 8-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui8, gan_uint8)
 Copy array of 8-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint8 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_uint16, ui16)
 Fill array of 16-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui16, gan_uint16)
 Copy array of 16-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint16 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_uint32, ui32)
 Fill array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui32, gan_uint32)
 Copy array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_int32, i32)
 Fill array of 32-bit signed integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (i32, gan_int32)
 Copy array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_int32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_ui64, ui64)
 Fill array of 64-bit unsigned integer objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (ui64, gan_ui64)
 Copy array of 64-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_ui64 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_float32, f32)
 Fill array of 32-bit floating point objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (f32, gan_float32)
 Copy array of 32-bit floating point objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_float32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
 GAN_FILL_DEC (gan_float64, f64)
 Fill array of 64-bit floating point objects.
 GAN_COPY_DEC (f64, gan_float64)
 Copy array of 64-bit floating point objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_float64 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_form_data (Gan_BitArray *ba, Gan_BitWord *data, unsigned data_words, unsigned int no_bits)
 Form new bit array using pre-allocated data array.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_ms_form (Gan_MemoryStack *ms, Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int no_bits)
 Form new bit array using stack memory style memory allocation.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_set_size (Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int no_bits)
 Reset size of existing bit array.
void gan_bit_array_free (Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Free bit array.
void gan_bit_array_free_va (Gan_BitArray *ba,...)
 Free NULL terminated list of bit arrays.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_fill (Gan_BitArray *ba, Gan_Bool val)
 Set all bits in a bit array.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_invert_i (Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Invert all the bits in a bit array.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_invert_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Invert all the bits in a bit array.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_and_i (Gan_BitArray *ba_dst, const Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Perform binary AND operation between two bit arrays.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_nand_i (Gan_BitArray *ba_dst, const Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Perform binary NAND (not and) operation between bit arrays.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_or_i (Gan_BitArray *ba_dst, const Gan_BitArray *ba)
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_eor_i (Gan_BitArray *ba_dst, const Gan_BitArray *ba)
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_andnot_i (Gan_BitArray *ba_dst, const Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Perform binary AND-NOT operation between bit arrays.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_and_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba1, const Gan_BitArray *ba2)
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_nand_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba1, const Gan_BitArray *ba2)
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_or_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba1, const Gan_BitArray *ba2)
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_eor_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba1, const Gan_BitArray *ba2)
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_andnot_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba1, const Gan_BitArray *ba2)
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_insert (const Gan_BitArray *src, unsigned int offset_src, Gan_BitArray *dst, unsigned int offset_dst, unsigned int no_bits)
 Insert part of one bit array in another.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_copy_q (const Gan_BitArray *ba_source, Gan_BitArray *ba_dest)
 Copy one bit array to another.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_copy_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba_source)
 Return a copy of a bit array.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_expand_q (const Gan_BitArray *ba, const Gan_BitArray *ref_ba, Gan_BitArray *exp_ba)
 Expand bit array by padding it with zeros in a reference bit array.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_expand_s (const Gan_BitArray *ba, const Gan_BitArray *ref_ba)
 Expand bit array by padding it with zeros in a reference bit array.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_dilate_q (Gan_BitArray *ba_source, unsigned int no_bits, Gan_BitArray *ba_dest)
 Dilate bit array and write result into another.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_dilate_s (Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int no_bits)
 Dilate bit array in-place.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_shift_q (Gan_BitArray *ba_source, int no_bits, Gan_BitArray *ba_dest)
 Shift bit array and write result into another.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_shift_s (Gan_BitArray *ba, int no_bits)
 Shift bit array in-place.
unsigned int gan_bit_array_get_first_set_bit (Gan_BitArray *ba)
 Get the first set bit in a bit array.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_fill_part (Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int offset, unsigned int no_bits, Gan_Bool val)
 Fill part of a bit array.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_invert_part (Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int offset, unsigned int no_bits)
 Invert part of a bit array.
void gan_bit_array_fprint (FILE *fp, const Gan_BitArray *ba, int indent)
 Print bit array in ASCII to file.
unsigned GAN_NO_BITWORDS (unsigned no_bits)
 Macro: Number of bit-words given number of bits.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_form (Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int no_bits)
 Macro: Form bit array.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_alloc (unsigned int no_bits)
 Macro: Allocate new bit array.
Gan_BitArraygan_bit_array_ms_malloc (unsigned int no_bits)
 Macro: Allocate new bit array using stack-style memory allocation.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_print (const Gan_BitArray *bit_array, int indent)
 Macro: Print bit array in ASCII to standard output.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_set_bit (Gan_BitArray *bit_array, int pos)
 Macro: Set bit in bit list to 1 (true).
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_get_bit (const Gan_BitArray *bit_array, int pos)
 Macro: get bit of bit array.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_clear_bit (Gan_BitArray *bit_array, int pos)
 Macro: clear bit in bit list to 0 (false).
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_twiddle_bit (Gan_BitArray *bit_array, int pos, Gan_Bool val)
 Macro: set/clear bit depending on Boolean argument.
Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_invert_bit (Gan_BitArray *bit_array, int pos)
 Macro: Invert bit.
Gan_Boolgan_bit_array_dilate_i (Gan_BitArray *ba, unsigned int no_pixels)
 Macro: Dilate bit array.

Define Documentation

#define GAN_COPY_DEC c,


 gan_copy_array_ ## c ( const t *source, long s_stride, unsigned long size,\
                              t *dest,   long d_stride )

Function Documentation

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_and_i Gan_BitArray ba_dst,
const Gan_BitArray ba

Perform binary AND operation between two bit arrays.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Perform binary AND operation between bit arrays ba and ba_dst, writing the result into ba_dst.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_and_s const Gan_BitArray ba1,
const Gan_BitArray ba2

Perform binary AND operation between bit arrays.

The result as a new bit array.
Perform binary AND operation between bit arrays ba1 and ba2, returning the result as a new bit array.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_andnot_i Gan_BitArray ba_dst,
const Gan_BitArray ba

Perform binary AND-NOT operation between bit arrays.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Perform binary AND-NOT operation between bit arrays ba and ba_dst, writing the result into ba_dst.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_andnot_s const Gan_BitArray ba1,
const Gan_BitArray ba2

Perform binary AND-NOT operation between bit arrays.

The result as a new bit array.
Perform binary AND-NOT operation between bit arrays ba1 and ba2, returning the result as a new bit array.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_copy_q const Gan_BitArray ba_source,
Gan_BitArray ba_dest

Copy one bit array to another.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Copy bit array ba_source to ba_dest.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_copy_s const Gan_BitArray ba_source  ) 

Return a copy of a bit array.

A new copy of the bit array ba_source.
Return a copy of bit array ba_source.

Gan_Bool* gan_bit_array_dilate_i Gan_BitArray ba,
unsigned int  no_pixels

Macro: Dilate bit array.

ba Bit array
no_pixels Number of pixels to dilate bit array
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Dilate input bit array ba by no_pixels, and write result in-place into ba.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_dilate_q Gan_BitArray ba_source,
unsigned int  no_bits,
Gan_BitArray ba_dest

Dilate bit array and write result into another.

ba_source Input bit array
no_bits Number of bits to dilate bit array
ba_dest Result bit array
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Dilate input bit array ba_source by no_bits, and write result into another bit array ba_dest.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_dilate_s Gan_BitArray ba,
unsigned int  no_bits

Dilate bit array in-place.

ba Input bit array
no_bits Number of bits to dilate bit array
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Dilate input bit array ba by no_bits in-place.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_eor_i Gan_BitArray ba_dst,
const Gan_BitArray ba

Perform binary EOR (exclusive or) operation between bit arrays.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Perform binary EOR (exclusive or) operation between bit arrays ba and ba_dst, writing the result into ba_dst.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_eor_s const Gan_BitArray ba1,
const Gan_BitArray ba2

Perform binary EOR (exclusive or) operation between bit arrays.

The result as a new bit array.
Perform binary EOR (exclusive or) operation between bit arrays ba1 and ba2, returning the result as a new bit array.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_expand_q const Gan_BitArray ba,
const Gan_BitArray ref_ba,
Gan_BitArray exp_ba

Expand bit array by padding it with zeros in a reference bit array.

ba Input bit array
ref_ba Reference bit array specifying padded bits
exp_ba Expanded bit array or NULL.
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Expand bit array ba by padding it with zeros in a reference bit array ref_ba.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_expand_s const Gan_BitArray ba,
const Gan_BitArray ref_ba

Expand bit array by padding it with zeros in a reference bit array.

ba Input bit array
ref_ba Reference bit array specifying padded bits
Expanded bit array as a new bit array, or NULL on failure.
Expand bit array ba by padding it with zeros in a reference bit array ref_ba.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_fill Gan_BitArray ba,
Gan_Bool  val

Set all bits in a bit array.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Set all bits in bit array ba to the given boolean value val.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_fill_part Gan_BitArray ba,
unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  no_bits,
Gan_Bool  val

Fill part of a bit array.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Fill part of a bit array, specified by the start point offset and the given number of bits no_bits. The part is filled with the given boolean value val.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_form_data Gan_BitArray ba,
Gan_BitWord data,
unsigned  data_words,
unsigned int  no_bits

Form new bit array using pre-allocated data array.

ba Existing bit array or NULL
data Block of memory to use for bit array
data_words Number of words in data array
no_bits Number of bits in bit array
Formed bit array, or NULL on error.
Form new bit array of size no_bits using pre-allocated data array data. If data is not NULL, the number of data_words must be enough to store no_bits bits.

void gan_bit_array_free_va Gan_BitArray ba,

Free NULL terminated list of bit arrays.

No value.
Free list of bit arrays starting with ba and terminated with NULL.

unsigned int gan_bit_array_get_first_set_bit Gan_BitArray ba  ) 

Get the first set bit in a bit array.

The bit that is set or UINT_MAX if all are zero

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_insert const Gan_BitArray source,
unsigned int  offset_s,
Gan_BitArray dest,
unsigned int  offset_d,
unsigned int  no_bits

Insert part of one bit array in another.

src Source bit array
offset_src Offset of start of insertion region in src
dst Destination bit array
offset_dst Offset of start of insertion region in dst
no_bits Number of bits to insert
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Insert part of bit array src in bit array dst

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_invert_i Gan_BitArray ba  ) 

Invert all the bits in a bit array.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Invert all the bits in a bit array ba.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_invert_part Gan_BitArray ba,
unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  no_bits

Invert part of a bit array.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Invert part of a bit array, specified by the start point offset and the given number of bits no_bits.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_invert_s const Gan_BitArray ba  ) 

Invert all the bits in a bit array.

A new inverted bit array.
Invert all the bits in a bit array ba, returning the result as anew bit array.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_ms_form Gan_MemoryStack ms,
Gan_BitArray ba,
unsigned int  no_bits

Form new bit array using stack memory style memory allocation.

ms Pointer to memory stack structure
ba Existing bit array or NULL
no_bits Number of bits in bit array
Formed bit array, or NULL on error.
Form new bit array of size no_bits using stack-style memory allocation.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_nand_i Gan_BitArray ba_dst,
const Gan_BitArray ba

Perform binary NAND (not and) operation between bit arrays.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Perform binary NAND (not and) operation between bit arrays ba and ba_dst, writing the result into ba_dst.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_nand_s const Gan_BitArray ba1,
const Gan_BitArray ba2

Perform binary NAND (not and) operation between bit arrays.

The result as a new bit array.
Perform binary NAND (not and) operation between bit arrays ba1 and ba2, returning the result as a new bit array.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_or_i Gan_BitArray ba_dst,
const Gan_BitArray ba

Perform binary OR operation between bit arrays.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Perform binary OR operation between bit arrays ba and ba_dst, writing the result into ba_dst.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_or_s const Gan_BitArray ba1,
const Gan_BitArray ba2

Perform binary OR operation between bit arrays.

The result as a new bit array.
Perform binary OR operation between bit arrays ba1 and ba2, returning the result as a new bit array.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_print const Gan_BitArray bit_array,
int  indent

Macro: Print bit array in ASCII to standard output.

Print bit array in ASCII to standard output. Implemented as a macro call to gan_bit_array_fprint().

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_set_size Gan_BitArray ba,
unsigned int  no_bits

Reset size of existing bit array.

GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Reset size of existing bit array ba to no_bits.

Gan_Bool gan_bit_array_shift_q Gan_BitArray ba_source,
int  no_bits,
Gan_BitArray ba_dest

Shift bit array and write result into another.

ba_source Input bit array
no_bits Number of bits to shift bit array
ba_dest Result bit array
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Shift input bit array ba_source by no_bits, and write result into another bit array ba_dest. If no_bits is >= 0, the shift is towards the end of the bit array, and vice veraa.

Gan_BitArray * gan_bit_array_shift_s Gan_BitArray ba,
int  no_bits

Shift bit array in-place.

ba Input bit array
no_bits Number of bits to shift bit array
GAN_TRUE on success, GAN_FALSE on failure.
Shift input bit array ba by no_bits in-place. If no_bits is >= 0, the shift is towards the end of the bit array, and vice veraa.

void gan_copy_array_d const double *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
double *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #double to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_f const float *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
float *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #float to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_i const int *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
int *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #int to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_l const long *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
long *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #long to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_p const void **  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
void **  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #void * to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_s const short *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
short *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #short to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_uc const unsigned char *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
unsigned char *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned char to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_ui const unsigned int *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
unsigned int *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned int to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_ul const unsigned long *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
unsigned long *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned long to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_copy_array_us const unsigned short *  source,
long  s_stride,
unsigned long  size,
unsigned short *  dest,
long  d_stride

Copy array of objects. Copy source array of objects of type #unsigned short to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.


Copy array of 64-bit floating point objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_float64 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.


Copy array of 32-bit floating point objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_float32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

GAN_COPY_DEC ui64  ,

Copy array of 64-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_ui64 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.


Copy array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_int32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

GAN_COPY_DEC ui32  ,

Copy array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint32 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

GAN_COPY_DEC ui16  ,

Copy array of 16-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint16 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.


Copy array of 8-bit unsigned integer objects. Copy source array of objects of type #gan_uint8 to dest array. The stride arguments indicate the spacing between elements of the arrays.

No value.

void gan_fill_array_d double *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
double  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #double with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_f float *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
float  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #float with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_i int *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
int  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #int with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_l long *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
long  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #long with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_p void **  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
void *  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #void * with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_s short *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
short  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #short with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_uc unsigned char *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
unsigned char  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #unsigned char with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_ui unsigned int *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
unsigned int  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #unsigned int with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_ul unsigned long *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
unsigned long  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #unsigned long with a constant value val.

void gan_fill_array_us unsigned short *  arr,
unsigned long  size,
long  stride,
unsigned short  val

Fill array of objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #unsigned short with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_float64  ,

Fill array of 64-bit floating point objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_float64 with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_float32  ,

Fill array of 32-bit floating point objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_float32 with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_ui64  ,

Fill array of 64-bit unsigned integer objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_ui64 with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_int32  ,

Fill array of 32-bit signed integer objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_int32 with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_uint32  ,

Fill array of 32-bit unsigned integer objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_uint32 with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_uint16  ,

Fill array of 16-bit unsigned integer objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_uint16 with a constant value val.

GAN_FILL_DEC gan_uint8  ,

Fill array of 8-bit unsigned integer objects.

No value.
Fill array arr of objects of type #gan_uint8 with a constant value val.

Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:53 2006 by  doxygen