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Vector Product of Fixed Size Vectors
[Fixed Size Vectors]


Gan_Vector3 gan_vec3_cross_s (const Gan_Vector3 *p, const Gan_Vector3 *q)
 Return the vector product of two 3-vectors.
Gan_Vector3gan_vec3_cross_q (const Gan_Vector3 *p, const Gan_Vector3 *q, Gan_Vector3 *r)
 Macro: Compute vector product of 3-vectors.
Gan_Vector3_f gan_vec3f_cross_s (const Gan_Vector3_f *p, const Gan_Vector3_f *q)
 Return the vector product of two 3-vectors.
Gan_Vector3_fgan_vec3f_cross_q (const Gan_Vector3_f *p, const Gan_Vector3_f *q, Gan_Vector3_f *r)
 Macro: Compute vector product of 3-vectors.

Function Documentation

Gan_Vector3* gan_vec3_cross_q const Gan_Vector3 p,
const Gan_Vector3 q,
Gan_Vector3 r

Macro: Compute vector product of 3-vectors.

Compute vector product of 3-vectors p, q, write the result into 3-vector $r = p \times q$.

Pointer to result 3-vector r.

Gan_Vector3 gan_vec3_cross_s const Gan_Vector3 p,
const Gan_Vector3 q

Return the vector product of two 3-vectors.

Return the vector product $p \times q$ of 3-vectors p, q.

Gan_Vector3_f* gan_vec3f_cross_q const Gan_Vector3_f p,
const Gan_Vector3_f q,
Gan_Vector3_f r

Macro: Compute vector product of 3-vectors.

Compute vector product of 3-vectors p, q, write the result into 3-vector $r = p \times q$.

Pointer to result 3-vector r.

Gan_Vector3_f gan_vec3f_cross_s const Gan_Vector3_f p,
const Gan_Vector3_f q

Return the vector product of two 3-vectors.

Return the vector product $p \times q$ of 3-vectors p, q.

Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:54 2006 by  doxygen