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Gan_CornerFeature Struct Reference
[Feature Detection]

2D corner feature structure. More...

#include <gandalf/vision/corner_feature.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

unsigned short r
 row/column coordinates in coordinate frame of 2D feature array
unsigned short c
 row/column coordinates in coordinate frame of 2D feature array
Gan_Vector2_f p
Gan_Vector2_f pu
 coordinates of feature with any non-linear image distortion removed
float strength
 corner feature strength/contrast value
Gan_SquMatrix22_f N
 covariance for feature point position
Gan_SquMatrix22_f Ni
 inverse covariance for feature point position
int status
 status field for user program to define
int index
 index field for user program to define

Detailed Description

2D corner feature structure.

Member Data Documentation

Gan_Vector2_f Gan_CornerFeature::p

potentially sub-pixel coordinates of corner feature in coordinate frame defined by corner map

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:53 2006 by  doxygen