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Gan_LocalFeatureMap Struct Reference
[Feature Detection]

Structure to hold blocked local feature information. More...

#include <gandalf/vision/local_feature.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

unsigned yblocks
 number of blocks vertically and horizontally
unsigned xblocks
 number of blocks vertically and horizontally
unsigned ystep
unsigned xstep
unsigned bsize2
 half "catchment area" of each block as multiple of ystep/xstep
Gan_Image nfeatures
 integer image holding the number of features in each block
Gan_Image index
Gan_Bool alloc
 whether this structure is dynamically allocated

Detailed Description

Structure to hold blocked local feature information.

Member Data Documentation

Gan_Image Gan_LocalFeatureMap::index

pointer image holding arrays of feature indices into an associated feature map

unsigned Gan_LocalFeatureMap::xstep

distance in pixels between adjacent blocks in the vertical and horizontal directions

unsigned Gan_LocalFeatureMap::ystep

distance in pixels between adjacent blocks in the vertical and horizontal directions

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:53 2006 by  doxygen