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Gan_LineFeatureMap Struct Reference
[Feature Detection]

2D line feature map structure. More...

#include <gandalf/vision/line_feature.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

unsigned nlines
 number of line features stored
 array of line features
unsigned max_nlines
 allocated limit on number of line features
unsigned height
 dimensions of image region in which line features have been computed
unsigned width
 dimensions of image region in which line features have been computed
Gan_Bool A_set
 whether the following A, Ai fields are set
Gan_Matrix23_f A
Gan_Matrix23_f Ai
Gan_LocalFeatureMap local_fmap
 local blocked feature index map
 array of points used to fit the lines to: may be NULL
unsigned npoints
 current number of points
unsigned max_npoints
 maximum (allocated) number of points
Gan_Bool alloc
 whether this structure was dynamically allocated

Detailed Description

2D line feature map structure.

Member Data Documentation

Gan_Matrix23_f Gan_LineFeatureMap::A

transformation between region coordinates (0..width) and (0..height) and line coordinates, and its inverse

Gan_Matrix23_f Gan_LineFeatureMap::Ai

transformation between region coordinates (0..width) and (0..height) and line coordinates, and its inverse

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Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:53 2006 by  doxygen