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rotate3D.c File Reference

#include <math.h>
#include <gandalf/vision/rotate3D.h>
#include <gandalf/common/misc_error.h>
#include <gandalf/common/numerics.h>
#include <gandalf/linalg/3x3matrix_eigen.h>
#include <gandalf/linalg/3x3matrix_svd.h>


#define Q1   rot1->data.q
#define Q2   rot2->data.q
#define Q0   qp.q0
#define Q1   qp.q1
#define Q2   qp.q2
#define Q3   qp.q3
#define RX   r->x
#define RY   r->y
#define RZ   r->z


void gan_quat_fill_q (Gan_Quaternion *q, double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)
 Fill quaternion with values.
Gan_Quaternion gan_quat_fill_s (double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)
 Fill quaternion with values.
Gan_Quaternion gan_quat_scale_s (Gan_Quaternion *q, double s)
 Multiply all the elements of a quaternion by a scalar value.
Gan_Quaternion gan_quat_divide_s (Gan_Quaternion *q, double s)
 Divide quaternion by scalar.
Gan_Quaternion gan_quat_unit_s (Gan_Quaternion *q)
 Scale quaternion to unit length.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_build_quaternion (Gan_Rot3D *rot, double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)
 Fill rotation structure from quaternion.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_build_exponential (Gan_Rot3D *rot, double rx, double ry, double rz)
 Fill rotation structure from exponential rotation parameters.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_build_angle_axis (Gan_Rot3D *rot, double angle, double ax, double ay, double az)
 Fill rotation structure from angle/axis rotation parameters.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_build_matrix (Gan_Rot3D *rot, double Rxx, double Rxy, double Rxz, double Ryx, double Ryy, double Ryz, double Rzx, double Rzy, double Rzz)
 Fill rotation structure from matrix rotation parameters.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_ident_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Set null rotation with given type.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_ident_s (Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Return null rotation with given type.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_apply_v3_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot, Gan_Vector3 *X, Gan_Vector3 *X_new)
 Apply a rotation to a 3D point.
Gan_Vector3 gan_rot3D_apply_v3_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot, Gan_Vector3 *X)
 Return the rotation of a 3D point.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_mult_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2, Gan_Rot3D *rot3)
 Combine two rotations into a third.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_mult_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2)
 Combine two rotations and return a third.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_multI_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2, Gan_Rot3D *rot3)
 Combine two rotations into a third.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_multI_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2)
 Combine two rotations and return a third.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_scale_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot_s, double scale, Gan_Rot3D *rot_d)
 Scale rotation parameters.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_scale_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot_s, double scale)
 Multiply rotation parameters by scalar.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_divide_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot_s, double scale, Gan_Rot3D *rot_d)
 Divide rotation parameters by scalar.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_divide_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot_s, double scale)
 Divide rotation parameters by scalar.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_add_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2, Gan_Rot3D *rot3)
 Add two sets of rotation parameters together.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_add_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2)
 Add two sets of rotation parameters together.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_sub_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2, Gan_Rot3D *rot3)
 Subtract two sets of rotation parameters from each other.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_sub_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot1, Gan_Rot3D *rot2)
 Subtract two sets of rotation parameters from each other.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_convert_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot_s, Gan_Rot3D_Type type, Gan_Rot3D *rot_d)
 Convert rotation from one type to another.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_convert_s (Gan_Rot3D *rot_s, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Return conversion of rotation from one type to another.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_from_quaternion_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot, Gan_Quaternion *q, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Convert rotation from quaternion to another type.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_from_quaternion_s (Gan_Quaternion *q, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Return conversion of rotation from quaternion to another type.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_from_exponential_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot, Gan_Vector3 *r, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Convert rotation from exponential to another type.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_from_exponential_s (Gan_Vector3 *r, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Return conversion of rotation from exponential to another type.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_from_angle_axis_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot, double angle, Gan_Vector3 *axis, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Convert rotation from angle/axis to another type.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_from_angle_axis_s (double angle, Gan_Vector3 *axis, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Return conversion of rotation from angle/axis to another type.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_from_matrix_q (Gan_Rot3D *rot, Gan_Matrix33 *R, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Convert rotation from matrix to another type.
Gan_Rot3D gan_rot3D_from_matrix_s (Gan_Matrix33 *R, Gan_Rot3D_Type type)
 Return conversion of rotation from matrix to another type.
Gan_Bool gan_rot3D_matrix_adjust (Gan_Matrix33 *R)
 Adjust rotation matrix to be orthogonal using SVD.

Detailed Description

Module: Handling 3D rotations

Part of: Gandalf Library

2002/09/30 12:27:03
Copyright: (c) 2000 Imagineer Software Limited
Generated on Fri Mar 17 12:44:52 2006 by  doxygen